Altan, H., Kang, J., Wang, X., 2014. ‘Parametric Study on the Performance of Green Residential Buildings in China’, University of Sheffield, UK, British University of Dubai, Uae,
- Indoor environment on green buildings
- Quantitative an qualitative improvement of residential building
o In China
Hot summer
Cold winter
Scenarios of “energy efficiency”
• Occupancy
• Comfort
• Energy efficiency
o Subjective thermal comfort demand
o Significant positive correlation with thermal performnce
- Chinese Urbanization:
o Three dacades
o Reform and opening
o Ecenomic stimulus
Growth in rural areas
‘green building’
- 12th five year plan:
o Produce a comfortable building environment
o Encourage
efficient use of energy
o Utilize
energy conservation techniques
o balance
prsonal occupant comfort
sustainable energy use
life cycle
- ecological footprint
minimal energy use
minimal requiremn
• water
• material
• resources
conductive to occupant health productivity
• minimal:
o waste
o pollution
o environmental degredation
sustainable design.
Intensiv study of 40 green projects
• Occupant comfort
• Productivity
• Health
• Larger than cost of construction
- Indoor environments of green buildings
o Extention of research on sustainable design
o Natural impact
- Regional occupant thermal cognition
o Increasingly important
o ‘people first concept’
- Cursory review
o Heat balance
o Adaptive approaches
o Steady state heat balance
o Deterministic logic of
• Thermal sensation
- Consisten conditions of measurement
o Impossible for field studies
o People achieve thermal comfort
Flexible adapting to overload
Environment to which they are exposed
• ‘experiential realism’
• ‘real’ participation
• Actual occupants
- Negative effects of ‘adaptive feedback’
o Phychological
o Behavioral
o Physiological
o Adjustment
- Black box
o Concept of cybernetics
• Social
• Economic
• Cultural
- Classrooms and offices
o Free running buildings
o Air conditioned buildings
Context study of indian apartments
- Natural ventilation & split air-conditioners
o Residential buildings
o Mixed mode of ventialation
o Natural:
Significantly affects the balance of indoor thermal comfort
- Building performance, which used to be defined solely by the ‘building shape coeffiient’
Site and Selection:
- Five thermal design zones
o Hot summer and cold winter (HSCW)
o Severe cold (SC)
o Cold (C)
o Moderate (M)
o Hot Summer Warm Winter (HSWW)
- HSCW (middle China)
o Humid subtropical
Koppen climate classification
- Historically no central heating system underpins indoor thermal environments
- Large amount of electricity used affects living costs of occupants
- Majority of external windows follow orth south orientation
o Four bedrooms
o One living
Energy consumption performance:
- The peak value of energy use typically occurs in extreme seasons
- Lowest by senario of
o Energy efficient strategy design
o Middle range scenario
Healthy housing
o China underestimates the energy use for warming a house in cold inter
Overestimates the heating use of more than the scenario
- ‘healthy housing’ & energy efficient strategy
o Both nerestimate energy more than adaptive thermal comfort
- Adaptive thermal comfort displays the use of more cooling
- High level of energy is used in whichever building type the occupant stays in.
Building Shape Coeffiecient Query for Building Performance
- Ratio of building’s outer surface area
o Contact with external ambience
o Inclusive volume
- Building shape coeffiecient is mandatory for inspecting building energy conservation
- Lowest building shape coefficient is the square
- Modelling block approx 6 floor building at 18m
- Decreasing tendancy to one to two storey block
- Increasing tendancy to a 3 to 6 storey block.
- Larger buildings consume less energy as the unit whole but not as individual unit areas.
- Current climate regional standard neglects limitations of building shape design for energy conservation
- Current industy standards do not achieve indoor thermal comfort
- Relationship between building shapeand energy saving is a vague concept.
Altan, H., Kang, J., Wang, X., 2014. ‘Parametric Study on the Performance of Green Residential Buildings in China’, University of Sheffield, UK, British University of Dubai, Uae,
- Indoor environment on green buildings
- Quantitative an qualitative improvement of residential building
o In China
Hot summer
Cold winter
Scenarios of “energy efficiency”
• Occupancy
• Comfort
• Energy efficiency
o Subjective thermal comfort demand
o Significant positive correlation with thermal performnce
- Chinese Urbanization:
o Three dacades
o Reform and opening
o Ecenomic stimulus
Growth in rural areas
‘green building’
- 12th five year plan:
o Produce a comfortable building environment
o Encourage
efficient use of energy
o Utilize
energy conservation techniques
o balance
prsonal occupant comfort
sustainable energy use
life cycle
- ecological footprint
minimal energy use
minimal requiremn
• water
• material
• resources
conductive to occupant health productivity
• minimal:
o waste
o pollution
o environmental degredation
sustainable design.
Intensiv study of 40 green projects
• Occupant comfort
• Productivity
• Health
• Larger than cost of construction
- Indoor environments of green buildings
o Extention of research on sustainable design
o Natural impact
- Regional occupant thermal cognition
o Increasingly important
o ‘people first concept’
- Cursory review
o Heat balance
o Adaptive approaches
o Steady state heat balance
o Deterministic logic of
• Thermal sensation
- Consisten conditions of measurement
o Impossible for field studies
o People achieve thermal comfort
Flexible adapting to overload
Environment to which they are exposed
• ‘experiential realism’
• ‘real’ participation
• Actual occupants
- Negative effects of ‘adaptive feedback’
o Phychological
o Behavioral
o Physiological
o Adjustment
- Black box
o Concept of cybernetics
• Social
• Economic
• Cultural
- Classrooms and offices
o Free running buildings
o Air conditioned buildings
Context study of indian apartments
- Natural ventilation & split air-conditioners
o Residential buildings
o Mixed mode of ventialation
o Natural:
Significantly affects the balance of indoor thermal comfort
- Building performance, which used to be defined solely by the ‘building shape coeffiient’
Site and Selection:
- Five thermal design zones
o Hot summer and cold winter (HSCW)
o Severe cold (SC)
o Cold (C)
o Moderate (M)
o Hot Summer Warm Winter (HSWW)
- HSCW (middle China)
o Humid subtropical
Koppen climate classification
- Historically no central heating system underpins indoor thermal environments
- Large amount of electricity used affects living costs of occupants
- Majority of external windows follow orth south orientation
o Four bedrooms
o One living
Energy consumption performance:
- The peak value of energy use typically occurs in extreme seasons
- Lowest by senario of
o Energy efficient strategy design
o Middle range scenario
Healthy housing
o China underestimates the energy use for warming a house in cold inter
Overestimates the heating use of more than the scenario
- ‘healthy housing’ & energy efficient strategy
o Both nerestimate energy more than adaptive thermal comfort
- Adaptive thermal comfort displays the use of more cooling
- High level of energy is used in whichever building type the occupant stays in.
Building Shape Coeffiecient Query for Building Performance
- Ratio of building’s outer surface area
o Contact with external ambience
o Inclusive volume
- Building shape coeffiecient is mandatory for inspecting building energy conservation
- Lowest building shape coefficient is the square
- Modelling block approx 6 floor building at 18m
- Decreasing tendancy to one to two storey block
- Increasing tendancy to a 3 to 6 storey block.
- Larger buildings consume less energy as the unit whole but not as individual unit areas.
- Current climate regional standard neglects limitations of building shape design for energy conservation
- Current industy standards do not achieve indoor thermal comfort
- Relationship between building shapeand energy saving is a vague concept.
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